Annual Dinner 2020

A very successful Annual Dinner was held in the School Hall at WBGS on Saturday 18th January 2020.

Our then current Chairman, Joe England, welcomed our guest speaker who this year was journalist Mike Walters. Mike attended the school between 1974 and 1981 and has spent 38 years in journalism, the last 24 of them as a sports writer on the Daily Mirror. 

In his time at the Mirror, he has spent seven years as cricket correspondent and has also covered three Olympic Games, a football World Cup, Wimbledon, Open Golf Championships, the Tour de France, darts, rugby and synchronised diving. Thanks are due to the Premier League for scheduling an early start to the Watford match on the 18th, thus enabling him to complete his journalistic duties before joining us in the evening.

 Mike entertained us with a speech containing many interesting and amusing anecdotes. He ended with a tribute to the School which received enthusiastic applause. Head Boy Josh Patel gave a mature and inspiring speech which finished with references to issues of mental health. His speech earned a standing ovation.

The Association continues to provide great support to the school. In 2019 in particular, membership dues were used to help the school with its redevelopment of the Sports Hall facilities. The school also benefits from time spent by OF volunteers at the Year 10 Old Fullerians’/Dragons’ Den and the very successful Careers Day for the Lower Sixth. The customary raffle and profits from the Dinner go towards our funding projects and supporting other school activities. If you were unable to attend the dinner and wish to contribute, please contact our new Chairman, Michael Groves (